Sunday, April 21, 2013

What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas! (:

For Spring Break this year, me and my best friends decided it would be fun to go to Vegas! We started planning forever and we were super excited! We wanted a spring break to remember and not the usual lame spring break where we all just sit home and do nothing.  

Day One:  First Bay came to pick us up and we are completely ready to leave, and then Bay realizes....the KEYS ARE MIA! Great. Perfect way to start off spring break right?? Well we unpacked and repacked the car at least 4 times.  Then all of a sudden thee Amazing Ash found them in a part of a suitcase. It was a miracle. Finally we were off.  We drove, sang, made music videos, and laughed for hours.  We always had a discussion going and we couldn't wait to finally hit Vegas.  When we got there the first thing we did was get unpacked and played pool! It was way fun, and not to mention super warm! 

Day Two: On day two we did a whole lot of sight seeing! We walked the strip and got invited to tons of different clubs, parties, and anything you could think of.  This one guy walked up to us and said, "Ladies.....Y'all to young!" haahhaha. Yeah dude, we are too young to party.  It was pretty much the funniest.  We visited the Bellagio, Ceasars palace, M&M world, the Coca Cola factory, and many more.  I loved the Coca Cola factory.  We sampled all the different Cokes from around the world.  I Hated Beverly from Italy.  I would rather lick the asphalt and i'm not even kidding. I loved all the sightseeing. It was really fun, but by the end of the night, my legs were so tired.  Even i was tired, i slept crazy good. 

Ceasars Palace 

The Mirage 

 Treasure Island 

The Bellagio 

The Coca Cola Factory (One of my top favorites) 

Me drinking Italy! (GAG) 

M&M World 

 Bay and Brayds nerding it up.

Me and Ash thinking, "this is vacation, not school.

Day Three:  STRATOSPHERE DAY! This was my other favorite part of the entire trip! It was the literal funnest!! (: I was nervous at first because the stratosphere is super super high. and then on top of that there is rides?? That is unheard of...but i guess we are in Vegas! We bought an all day pass so we could have fun on the rides during the day and then do other stuff and go back later if we wanted. First thing first, ride the rocket on the top. It was my favorite one! It was so beautiful to look out and see the entire strip and all of Vegas.  It felt like you were flying.  Then we rode the ride that shoots you over the edge.  It looks like your gonna die. and go right over the edge.  It was pretty scary, but it was still fun! The spinny ride was closed...aww sad ): so we didn't do that one during the day. We went back to the house and decided to lay by the pool. Well it turned into world war 3 and Brady pretty much killed Ash and Bay.  We also did some jumping pictures (like girls always do) After a few hours, we went to a fancy dinner at Chili's before Brayds had to go home on the bus ): After dinner, we went to drop Brayds off. It was a very emotional moment for me and the tough soccer star.  We said our goodbye's and then decided to hit up the stratosphere rides again...this time.. at night! It was even more cool and beautiful! The spinny ride was also open, so we rode that. I was so scared i was screaming and making Bay cry she was laughing so hard. There was also some drunk asians who were obsessed with taking our pictures and taking pictures with us. I will never forget this day.


 "Shut up and put your $$$ where your mouth is, thats what you 
get for waking up in VEGAS!" 

This Hot man was from Amsterdam and he was
the most beautiful man i have ever seen. He had a v-neck,
a watch, and an accent. (; 

 Day Four:  On day four we just chilled by the pool, did some more sightseeing, illegally walked through a parking garage, watched all of the shows on the strip, and also visited the famous....Vegas Sign.  This lady was seriously hilarious taking our pictures... "1.2.3... 1.2.3....1.2.3.Thank you ladies thats it." haha (:  We also went to City Center in Crystals. There was a ton of crazy cool things there.  It was so cool!  Another funny story from this day was a guy came up to Bay and this was their conversation
Random Guy: "Are you girls going clubbing tonight?"
Bay: "NO, i don't think so..."
Random guy: WHAT? Why not its Vegas??"
Bay: "We're just kids."
hahaha (: Super fun day!
 We also visited probably my new favorite place on earth. Freemont Street. It was crazy. The lights were awesome, and us 3 were probably the only sober people there. It was the greatest.

 cool funnel in the ground! 

Day Five: GO Home ): BOOOOOO!!!! I never wanted to leave.  EVER! It is so warm there, and fun. It doesn't seem like real life. I had the time of my life with my best friends. Definitely a break to remember. The End. Bye. 

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE LOVE VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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