Tuesday, January 1, 2013

48 hours of hardcore hangout!

So over Christmas break me and Ash were together for 48 straight hours! We said so many funny things, its almost ridiculous! We started by eating a wonderful dinner and then we watched pitch perfect which is probably one of THEE funniest movies i have seen in the entirety of my existance.  Then we went to Ashlie's house and we sat by her nice warm fire and ate chocolate hearts and then dyed her hair.  She was all panicked after i put it in because it was turning her hair darker, not lighter.  Then she went and showered and down the middle of her hair was red, and then a black ring around the top and the rest was blonde. She said, "I look like a Zebra!" Then we started to play skipbo, and it was hilarious trying to teach me how to play. After a while of playing, we decided to just go to bed, we woke up and BAM! Her hair was blonde, it was crazy.

While we were getting ready for bed the first night, i totally knocked off her nailpolish in the toilet and she made me get it out.  It took a good 10 minutes of laughing and convincing before i stuck my hand in her toilet and got it for her!

The next day was New Years Eve! We decided that we best be getting sparkly and glittery dresses for new years, so we set out on a mission to find the perfect one! We tried on so many and i kept going back to the same one. Ash said, "Kena i can see it in your eyes, your getting the pink one." So.......i bought the pink one (; We also bought shoes that matched and everything. Of course we would pick similiar shoes and dresses. We are twins.  It was way fun! Then we got home, got ready, and Brayds came over.  We ate pizza and played skipbo (again) and Taboo.  After that we were off. We went to a New Years Party where Brayds wrecked Ashy's knuckles playing air hockey. We decided to leave because we were feeling way awkward because it was all clearfield people. We went to pick up Brayden and then we went to Brayds grandmas and played some pretty fun games! When midnight hit we decided to go back to my house and right when it hit midnight of course Ash and Brayden had to have their New Years kiss, so me and Brayds decided we would pick the playlist for that event. It was way funny!! Then we played Taboo again and everyone had to leave.  Me and Ash went to my moms house and slept over. We were up til 3 and Ash was hilarious! She kept dosing in and out and saying a ton of funny ish.  We didn't wake up until noon and got out of bed at 4! Not really an eventful day for the last day of break, but i sure was laughing insanely hard.  It was way funny, and it was a record hangout time! (:

!!!!!!HaPpY nEw YeArS!!!!!

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